The Truth About Training


Hello, I think you need to give a lot of consideration to the impact that a good training program will have on your business in relation to specific business outcomes you wish to achieve which is in line with your strategic business plan. Usually, a major deciding factor is funding and the associated return on investment which may not be realized immediately. The use of technology tools could deliver training that reaches a number of employees thereby reducing the cost per head in face-to-face training. Investing in training will give you a competitive edge in the global market as your staff develop specific skills to effectively meet targeted business outcomes. This will also improve the self-worth of your staff as they will  value  your interest in their professional development; a knockoff benefit will be lower turnover rate. 33% of respondents in a study conducted want their employers to train them for their roles. If you will give me a few minutes of your time, I will show you just how much training can help you address challenges you have now with even more added value.

Welcome to my Blog – Training and Development

People-640x480Welcome to my blog for my Training and Development Course as part of my MS IDT qualification. As much as this blog is meant for responding to assignments in the course, I hope to learn from others through constructive feedback which will challenge my think toward becoming a reliable professional.

My name is Ayeshat Addison and I am passionate about Training, Performance Improvement, Curriculum Building, Teaching and of course my lovely family.